It sounds like an unrealistic plot to a doomsday movie, but it may become a reality for all Americans in the next pandemic by the implementation of a world wide so called pandemic treaty. The final terms of this agreement which has been in the works since 2021, are soon to be determined by the 194 member states of the World Health Organization (WHO), including the United States. If adopted, this agreement will give the WHO complete dictatorial legal power over member countries during a pandemic.
This power wielded solely by the WHO, will encompass mandates, lockdowns, vaccinations, treatments, restriction of therapeutics, dissemination of news, religious rights and more. If our President signs onto this pandemic treaty and its new world order, it will be legally binding on all Americans and states will be powerless to legally override its terms as it will effectively become federal law.
If the next President wants to withdraw from this pandemic treaty, the binding terms provide that such may be done upon written notification only after the agreement has been in effect for at least two years. Further, that the withdrawal will not go into effect until one year after such written notification. That would essentially guarantee three years of WHO tyranny, the likes of which was the very impetus of the revolutionary war.
But does a President have the power to bind our country to a treaty that is so antithetical to our very constitution? Article II Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution does give the President the power to enter into treaties, but only with two thirds approval of the U.S. Senate, which is unlikely to happen. Perhaps that is why this pandemic treaty will be named anything but a treaty, in a patently pathetic attempt to circumvent the U.S. Constitution.
The "experts" are warning us that we need to prepare for the next pandemic, which is said to be coming sooner than we think. If this pandemic treaty is entered into, the World Health Organization which is largely controlled by Bill Gates and Communist China, will potentially strip us of our liberties and dictate our lives. Unless you want the next pandemic to make the last one seem like paradise, contact your State Senator now and make your voices heard.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.