There once was a time in New York State when government existed "...of the people, by the people, for the people... ." Unfortunately it seems those days are gone, as New York State has a Governor who appears intent on imposing his own personal agenda on the good people of New York by working the State Legislature like his own political puppet. When a state's Governor acts more like a self-appointed King forcing changes in state laws to satisfy a political agenda and an inflated ego, that state's effectual demise is not far away.
In New York State, Cuomo either already has signed into law or is in the process of getting laws passed that allow late term abortions up to birth, grant the privilege of a driver's license to illegal aliens, violate our constitutional right of free exercise of religion with regard to our children, permit recreational marijuana and even legalize prostitution, just to name a few. Cuomo has referred to such changes as "historic" victories for "progressive values" in New York. Many believe that the only thing that is historic about these changes in our laws, is how they are seemingly causing a mass exodus from the New York State by residents.
A Governor is elected and obligated to govern for ALL of the people in a particular state. When a Governor fails to do so and instead promotes his or her own political agenda and unlawfully imposes it on the people, tyranny will rule the state effectuating its demise. Further, states must abide by federal law and not use the State Legislature to circumvent federal laws that are not to the liking of a particular Governor. It is time for our politicians to abide by the aforementioned wise words of President Lincoln and separate themselves from political partisanship. If they are unable to do so, then they should step down from office before corruption eats through to their very core at the great expense of the people.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.