New York State continues to pass so called progressive laws that many consider to be socialist in nature and very good reason to leave New York permanently. In fact according to the U.S. Census data, people are leaving New York at a faster rate than almost any other state in the country. New York residents are choosing to live anywhere but New York, as demonstrated by New York State's population decreasing for the last four consecutive years.
Adding fuel to the fire and as part of the 2019-2020 budget, the New York State legislature approved 27 million taxpayer dollars for financial aid, now available to illegals to pursue higher education. The new law named the Dream Act, essentially allows those here illegally to attain higher education without fear of deportation and with New York's law abiding tax payers paying the bill. In addition to using tax dollars to provide financial aid to illegals, the new law effectively makes less seats and funds available for New York's legal and law abiding residents.
Proponents believe that New York State will prosper from the Dream Act by allowing illegals to now reach their full potential and become future contributors to society. Opponents believe that the Dream Act is yet another law in a long list of recently passed laws, that are slowly but surely converting New York into a socialist state against the will of the people and at the command of an out of control Governor.
If it is true that where there is smoke there is fire, then it appears that New York State is starting to look like the BBQ pit at a County Fair. Unfortunately for New Yorkers, the fire was likely started by a political arsonist who has turned a deaf ear to the screams of the people.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.