The latest bill in New York State's hit parade is Assembly Bill A6512, relating to sex education in our schools. No this is not your parents' sex education film that they were shown in school at or about the age of puberty, but instead is something all together different.
The bill requires "comprehensive sexuality instruction for students in grades K through 12 which addresses age and developmentally appropriate physical, mental, emotional and social dimensions of human sexuality and reflects the national sexuality education standards." New York State appears to be once again following the questionable lead of California, which recently passed and implemented the same type of sex education program. Although parents in New York may be allowed to "opt out" from certain portions of the program, many parents remain vehemently opposed to this Bill.
Opponents argue that if this bill is passed into law it would not only potentially deprive parents of their parental and religious rights, but arguably would be the end of the innocence of our children. Further, that portions of the program are pornagraphic and highly age inappropriate, including instruction about masturbation, bondage and anal sex. Proponents of the bill, argue that sex education in our schools has been widely supported since the 1970's and that the new bill would provide for a long needed update inclusive of the LGBTQ community.
In the past, sex education in our schools in general provided materials and information that was non-explicit, age appropriate and pre-approved by parents. The current proposed program being devised, while inclusive of some much needed modern day up to date information, targets children as young as the tender age of five. In doing so, the proposed law potentially usurps parental rights and violates constitutionally guaranteed religious rights. It is arguably also evidence of a disturbing pattern in New York, in which the controlling political party is running rampant passing laws that dictate morality and violate the Constitution. Perhaps our legislators need reminding this Election Day that they were elected to represent the collective will of the people and not to pass laws seemingly at the Governor's behest.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.