Illegal drug use in our country is a rampant problem that has proven to be very challenging for the DEA and police to keep under control. This is especially true in light of the seemingly endless supply of drugs entering through our southern border, courtesy of the the current administration's open border policy and failure to enforce the law. Compounding this problem, is the radical defund the police movement that has taken a chokehold in many of our major cities across the country. Although it would be logical to remedy this problem by attacking it at the source and cracking down on enforcement efforts, New York City had decided to go another way.
As a parting gift to New Yorkers in his last few weeks as Mayor, Warren de Blasio-Wilhelm known as Bill de Blasio, has opened the nation's first supervised drug injection sites. Now the illegal drug users in New York City have a safe space where they can go to shoot up and get high under the supervision of a city employee. Instead of enforcing our laws and cleaning up the streets, it appears New York City has given up and subscribed to the "If you can't beat them, join them" philosophy.
Proponents believe that these drug injection sites are humane and help prevent the loss of life due to overdose. Mayor elect Eric Adams has championed these sites and has stated that he will go further by opening more sites and add services such as counseling, healthcare and housing. Even New York State's unelected Governor Hochul wants to "explore the efficacy" of these injection sites.
Opponents believe that these sites are in direct violation of the law, in particular the federal "crack house" statute which makes it illegal to operate, own or rent a location for the purposes of using illegal substances. Further, that the operation of these sites, is tantamount to NYC aiding and abetting known criminals in breaking the law. In addition, it is believed that by enabling illegal drug use and then releasing the drug induced addicts on our streets, irreparable harm, injury and damage will be done to the good and law abiding citizens of New York.
Just when New Yorkers finally escaped the nightmare reign of former disgraced Governor Cuomo, we are now faced with a departing Mayor, Mayor elect and unelected Governor that gives new meaning to the adage, "the Devil you know is better than the Devil you don't know." Although many have urged the DOJ to take action and stop this travesty, they have effectively failed to take any action to date. Our society cannot withstand having elected officials that do not uphold the law, by refusing to have known criminals arrested, prosecuted and incarcerated. If in addition we have "above the law" elected officials who enable and assist criminals in carrying out criminal activity, we will be left with a William Golding's Lord of The Flies society filled with anarchy and vigilante justice. Increasingly every day, New Yorkers are confronted with government officials who are hell bent on "transforming" New York State with an "if you don't like it then leave" attitude. It comes as no surprise that lifelong New Yorkers are doing just that, and leaving in record numbers.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.