The New York City Board of Corrections is calling for the immediate release of prisoners at high risk to contract the Coronavirus, including those from Rikers Island. Although reportedly the virus has not been detected inside a New York City jail, the Board has promulgated that we must "drastically reduce the number of people in jail right now" to stop the spread of the virus. Proponents of the mass release believe that the only way to keep incarcerated people safe is to release them and that the incarcerated and their families deserve better.
Opponents believe the virus is just being used as an excuse to fulfill a liberal agenda and that the issuance of "get out of jail free cards" is not in the best interest of New York's law abiding residents. Further, that this is nothing more than a misplaced attempt to politicize the virus, as many proponents are simultaneously demanding legislative reform to allow prisoners to vote.
If New York City was to allow the release of the prisoners at issue, they would be following the lead of Los Angeles County which has already started releasing prisoners under the guise of the Coronavirus. If New York politicians cannot abstain from partisanship during a crisis such as that currently affecting us with the Coronavirus, then perhaps the only thing to really fear is that there is no hope left for the good people of New York.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.