During the period of 1998 to 2005, Monsanto legally conducted genetically modified wheat experiments in open fields across 16 US states, as sanctioned by the USDA. After the experiments concluded, not only was GM wheat not approved commercially, but the experimental GM wheat contaminated other wheat fields. Genetically engineered wheat has been found in the wheat fields of Oregon and is believed to exist in up to 15 other states as well.
If you are wondering why you should care about this, remember that GM food is considered dangerous to your health in many countries around the world. In fact GMO label laws exist in at least 50 different countries world wide (not in the US) and GMO's are banned and illegal in 27 different countries (not in the US). Some countries have even resorted to burning genetically modified corn fields to eliminate the risk of genetic contamination. Approximately 150 tonnes of wheat is traded annually and almost one third of that is imported by Asia, which is prediminantly supplied by US wheat.
As a result of the genetic contamination of our US wheat fields, Japan has just cancelled a large US contract to purchase wheat stating, "We will refrain from buying western white and feed wheat effective today." Accordingly, US wheat is considered suspect at best by many countries around the world, posing a huge threat to the livelihood of our wheat farmers and our already fragile economy.
The genetic modification of food in this country is a multi-billion dollar business headed by Monsanto Corporation and company. Reportedly, almost 80% of the food available for purchase in US conventional food stores, contains some form of genetic modification. Over the Memorial Day weekend, there was an organized world-wide "March Against Monsanto" that took place in 52 countries and 400 cities around the world. It was one of the largest organized demonstrations of all time, yet it recieved minimal press and news coverage in the US. Could it be that the whole world, except the US, is crazy when it comes to GMO's? It's time for Americans to wake up and smell the "genetically modified coffee". If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck.
In order to effectuate change our voices must be heard. Contact your Senators at www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm and express your opinion today. You may also call NY Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who voted against the Sanders Amendment to the Farm Bill to afford states the right to decide for themselves on whether or not to pass GMO label laws, at 1-202-224-4451 (DC Office) or 1-212-688-6262 (NY Office).
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.