The tide has turned in the consumer fight to have GMO Label Laws in place, as upwards of 30 states are working toward enacting such laws. The Biotech Industry headed by Monsanto and company, have apparently realized that defeat is inevitable on the state level. As a result, they have turned to a heavy congressional lobby to avoid fighting on a state by state level to get their way. The outcome is the King Amendment to the 2013 Farm Bill, as recently proposed by Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa).
If the King Amendment is passed, it will prohibit a state's right to pass laws governing the production or manufacture of any agricultural product, including food and any animals raised for food, that are involved in interstate commerce. This will also effectively stomp out state rights as granted by the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. The 10th Amendment sets forth that the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved for the states or the people.
Are we no longer a government by the people and for the people? Is there no limit to the hippocracy coarsing through the veins of our elected officials? It is time for the people of this great country to wake up and smell the pesticide, for it is generously laced within our food. Take the time to contact your state congressional and senatorial representatives and let your voice be heard. Our future generations will be shaped upon what we do and fail to do today.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.