After a motor vehicle accident, it is commonplace for the at fault party's insurance company to quickly offer a small amount of money to an injured party who is not at fault. They do this for one reason and one reason only, to serve their own financial best interest. Don't be fooled by this insurance company ploy, as it usually results in a regretful and careless financial mistake.
In my almost 30 years of practice, I have had countless clients retain my services after an insurance company offered them anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars to settle their case quickly without hiring an attorney. I have never had even a single one of those clients who did not end up with more money than that which was offered, even after paying the legal fee. The insurance companies often coerce injured parties to accept their nominal offer, by stating it is better than retaining a lawyer "who will take one third of your money." What they don't say, is that if a good lawyer is retained they know it will likely result in a significantly higher pay out. They also don't always adequately explain that in exchange for the money offered, a Release must be signed forfeiting all rights and precluding the ability to ever go back for more money. That is the case regardless of any future developing injuries, surgeries or disabilities.
Accordingly, if injured in a motor vehicle accident or any other type of accident, it is always in your best interest to speak to a lawyer and have them review all paperwork before ever agreeing to any settlement or signing any paperwork. There is a very good reason why personal injury lawyers receive the standard one third of any recovery as their legal fee, because it is by utilizing the services of a good attorney that will very likely yield the most money in pocket. In general, since the legal fee is contingent on getting a recovery (money), there is also no legal fee to be paid if there is no recovery.
All too often I have had people come to me after being involved in an accident and injured through no fault of their own, only for me to uncover that they had already signed, unwittingly or otherwise, a Release forfeiting their rights in exchange for some quick money. This is a grave mistake that virtually always cannot be undone. Accordingly, these are people I cannot represent and they are forced to live with their mistake no matter what the future reveals as to the seriousness of their injuries. In order to protect your best interest, always consult with a lawyer as soon as possible after an accident and don't sign your rights away. If you have been injured in any type of accident, call our office today for your free consultation.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.