While virtually every American is aware of the most important vote we face this coming November to elect the president of the United States, painfully few are aware of what many consider the second most important vote. That is Proposition 37 in California, the results of which will affect every person in the United States.
Proposition 37 involves the proposed law requiring labelling of all Genetically Modified (GM) foods, based on a consumer's right to know what is in their food. The first ever lifetime feeding study evaluating the health risks of GM foods, was published this month in the peer reviewed journal Food And Chemical Toxicolgy. The study results maintain, with over 30 other animal studies, a host of health problems and diseases connected to GM foods, including breast cancer. The study showed that, "...in female animals, 93 percent of the tumors found were in the mammary glands."
Proponents of GM foods, such as corporate giants Monsanto and Dupont, maintain that the new genes introduced in GM foods in theory are broken up in the intestines and therefore the genetic manipulation is harmless. However, GM food opponents state that researchers have now discovered that the genes can be transferred through the intestinal wall and into the blood. Further, that GM crop genes have been found in sufficiently large amounts in human blood and muscle tissue. Farmers are also now discovering that Roundup Ready crops are creating super resistant bugs and weeds, in addition to accelerating the depletion of of our soil.
Corporate giants such as Monsanto and Dupont are spending millions and millions of dollars to fight against Proposition 37 and the right to know what is in our food. But that pales in comparison to the value of the Roundup Ready technology, which was recently decided by a jury to be one billion dollars (See our August 6, 2012 blog entitled, "Jury Renders One Billion Dollar Verdict In Biotech 'Roundup Ready' Technology War").
These are just some of the reasons why many say that Propostion 37 is the second most important vote for all Americans this November. If Proposition 37 passes, food manufactures will no longer be able label GM foods as "natural" or "all natural" and will be required to clearly label all GM foods. Once all GM foods are clearly marked, millions of consumers will likely demand non-GM alternatives and the sale of non-GM foods will dramatically increase. How would you vote?
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.