Back in the old school reporting days, the news media delivered news to the American people both in print and on television, with a certain air of integrity and credibility. Unfortunately, that same integrity and credibility seems to escape the modern news media. At one time, journalists were taught and believed that they were supposed to objectively report the news without subjectivity or personal bias. They were the Dragnet- like Joe Fridays of their day, who reported "just the facts" or at least made it appear that way. Old school journalists employed legitimate and well researched news reporting, devoid of scare tactics, misleading headlines, unnecessary drama and sensationalism.
Today one would be hard pressed to find that type of old school news reporting, which appears to have been substantively replaced with yellow journalism and bias meant to tell the American people what they should believe. What happened to reporting the news and the facts in an impartial manner, so that the people can form their own opinions and decide for themselves what to believe?
The American people need to reject being treated like Pavlov's dogs by the news media. Remember that Pavlovian conditioning was based on the premise that there were some things a dog did not need to learn. The dogs did not actually learn to salivate when they heard the bell ring, but rather they were trained such that salivation was the unconditioned response to the ringing bell.
Today's news media tells us what they want us to know or believe, which is the proverbial ringing of the dinner bell. The acceptance of what the news media tells us or would have us believe, is effectively the unconditioned response of the American people. We cannot underestimate the immense power wielded by the news media in such fashion, especially when it comes to politics.
Many people believe that CNN is essentially the "Clinton News Network," while others believe that Fox News is ultra conservative propaganda. Whether or not you share one of these beliefs or something in between, be vigilant in guarding against the unconditioned response. The American people are entitled to form their own opinions after carefully weighing all the facts in any given matter. We deserve much more than we are receiving from our modern day news media and should demand more. There is far too much at stake in the upcoming election to allow the news media to lead people down a rabbit hole. When it comes to the American people learning about what is in the news, perhaps old school news reporting is just simply better.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.