Recent movements and propositions in the U.S., may lead one to believe that GMO label laws in our country are inevitable. If GMO label laws are passed, it undoubtedly would significantly reduce the profit margin of the Biotech Industry. But the Biotech Industry in the U.S., is way too big and powerful to let anyone or anything cut into their profits. In an effort to stay ahead of the impending curve, the Biotech Industry is now working on their next GMO project to help maintain their high profit margin and control over the food supply.
This new project is known as Naturally Enhanced Organisms (NEO). NEO is to be displayed in a green and leafy emblem on future food products and has supposedly been psychologically tested to inspire consumer confidence. NEO food products will contain 2 parts "natural" material and 1 part genetically modified material. It is in this way the food will conform to a new regulation that states a plant or seed is only considered genetically modified, if the genetically modified material makes up 50% or more of the total material. In that NEO food will maintain a 2 to 1 ratio, it will not be considered genetically modified and therefore not require any legally imposed GMO label.
If this new plan is implemented, it will successfully circumvent GMO label laws before they are even passed. It seems now that if the Biotech Industry can't stop certain laws from being passed, they will simply change definitions of terms within the law to suit their greedy purposes. This is all too similar to the Dairy Industry's petition to the FDA, to effectively change the definition of Milk to include chemical sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose without the need to list such on the label (See our February 26, 2013 blog entitled "Dairy Industry Petitions FDA To Approve Unlabeled Chemical Sweeteners").
The new NEO foods will still be one third genetically modified which means, among other things, that one third will still likely be sprayed with glyphosate or 2-4-D, which is the active ingredient in Agent Orange. But that is just the "icing on the potentially toxic genetically modified cake." Food label laws in the U.S. will not be enough to safeguard consumers. In order for consumers to have a fighting chance, we need full disclosure food label laws that will remove once and for all, the veil behind which Biotech and Corporate America hides.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.