The holiday season is upon us and we are reminded that it is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. That may or may not be the case, but for many people it is the most stressful and emotional time of the year. The year end holiday season is often well known for long lines, crowded stores and streets, financial concerns, end of the year tax evaluations and payments, family drama and alcohol consumption, all of which may cause significant stress. Unfortunately, high levels of stress and emotions may prove to be a very dangerous combination while operating a motor vehicle.
Humans are emotional by nature and experience a wide range of emotions from sorrow to anger and more. However, driving while experiencing extreme stress or emotions is not advisable as it often impairs driving ability. As an example, road rage may occur when people become extremely angry while driving and become irrational and dangerous in the operation of their motor vehicle. Speeding, tailgating, erratic lane changes and more will often ensue as a result of road rage. Extreme stress or emotions has the potential to impair one’s driving skills and may lead to unsafe driving, accidents and worse. That is why, in part, that the year end holiday season typically is accompanied with an increase in motor vehicle accidents.
In order to help avoid becoming another motor vehicle accident statistic this holiday season, do not drive if you are experiencing extreme stress or emotions. Getting into a motor vehicle accident will only exacerbate stress levels and make matters far worse. Also, be aware of erratic driving behavior of those around you on the road. If someone is exhibiting unsafe driving behavior or tailgating your vehicle, let them pass in a safe manner and be on their way. If they appear to be a real danger to others on the road, consider obtaining their vehicle and license plate information and reporting such unsafe driving behavior to the police.
Although driving while under stress or experiencing extreme emotions may not be the top cause of motor vehicle accidents, it is a serious problem that is often overlooked. Additional insight on common causes of motor vehicle accidents may be obtained in my upcoming book entitled, "Accidents Happen." I wish you all safe travels, health and happiness throughout this holiday season and the New Year.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.