The EPA has passed a new regulation (40 CFR 180) which has doubled the amount of toxic glyphosate (roundup) residue allowed on many of our food crops, paving the Biotech Industry road for use in genetically modified crops.
Although the EPA has not conducted any significant independent safety tests on glyphosate before approving its use, it has concluded based on "available toxicity data" that the new increase is safe. Essentially the "available toxicity data", was the same data submitted with the biotech serving petition for the new regulation.
Opponents to the new regulation, argue that the newly approved levels of glyphosate in our food, are thousands upon thousands of times the concentration levels needed to induce breast cancer and other diseases. Further, opponents submit that the EPA has once again failed to safeguard our health in exchange for serving the biotech behest of Monsanto and company.
This latest regulation change is part of a disturbing "whatever Monsanto wants, Monsanto gets" pattern that has emerged in this country. The days when Monsanto had to gain public acceptance or approval of its methods and ways appear over. Now if public acceptance cannot be obtained, the law that governs is simply changed to accommodate the wants and likes of the Biotech Industry. Today more than ever, "you are what you eat".
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.