As a follow up to our last blog, there is a relatively new "car comfort" iPhone device that is now available for the sale price of $19.99. The device is called the Strap Caddy and attaches to your car's seat belt shoulder harness in front of your chest. The Strap Caddy allows you to place your iPhone into the holder resting comfortably on your chest, so that you can make and receive calls in hands free fashion while driving.
While this new product certainly has a measure of convenience, many question the real price for this convenience. Case and point is found in the May issue of the Environmental Health Trust's newsletter, which discusses a female patient who developed multi-focal breast cancer. This particular young lady did not have any predisposing risk factors for cancer, but had the habit of tucking her cell phone into her bra.
Two cancer specialists, Robert Nagourney and John West, came to the conclusion that the radiation from her cell phone was the likely cause of the cancer. "We connected the dots," the patient said. As it turns out the "dots", quite literally the pattern of cancer and the distribution of the cancer cells found, lined up perfectly with the shape of the patient's cell phone. While the doctors can't prove that the cell phone caused the cancer, this should serve as fair warning to all women and men alike that position an active cell phone anywhere on their person. When it comes to purchasing any product, we should always be mindful of the legal maxim Caveat Emptor, which is latin for let the buyer beware.