In our July 18, 2013 article entitled "EPA Increases Allowable Toxicity Levels In Our Food", we detailed the new EPA Regulation that doubled the amount of toxic Glyphosate (Roundup) residue allowed on food crops. Glyphosate is the active chemical ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup herbicide used on crops and genetically built into gentically modified (GM) crops. Genetically modified food represents approximately 80% or more of the food we buy at conventional food stores.
A new scientific study from Brazil and published in the journal of Free Radical Medicine and Biology, examined the effect of Glyphosate relative to male fertility. This study is in addition to the growing body of research claiming Glyphosate to be a powerful endocrine disruptor. The study specifically examined how exposure to low doses of Glyphosate affects Sertoli cells. Sertoli cells are contained within the testicles, sustain healthy sperm and are required for normal and healthy male sexual development. According to the results of the study, exposure to relatively low doses of glyphosate, kills the Sertoli cells through a series of Glyphosate-induced changes thereby impacting male fertility.
At the very least, this study and the scores of other studies and evidence showing Glyphosate to be toxic and dangerous for human consumption, represent a red flag that warrants extensive independent and objective study. It seems only prudent, that such study should be performed before Glyphosate is legally permitted to pollute and contaminate our food supply. Perhaps that is the reason why European countries as a whole, have rejected Monsanto's GM food that is contaminated inside and out with Glyphosate. One can't help but wonder whether or not the people in these European nations are more informed than the American people are allowed to be.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.