Vegans and Vegetarians alike, have long professed that eating meat is bad for your health. Conversely, meat lovers have claimed that one needs to eat meat because it has protein and that the FDA makes sure our food is safe for consumption.
Among the plethora of inferior feed and potentailly dangerous drugs given to conventional cattle bred for consumption in the U.S., is a drug called Zilmax. Zilmax is a beta-agonist drug given to conventional cattle in the weeks before slaughter, in an effort to increase bulk and weight. The drug can quickly add up to 30 pounds of meat to a cow and up to 7 pounds to a pig. The FDA, with all its rules and regulations, says it is safe for consumers.
Notwithstanding the FDA's declaration of safety, Zilmax is currently banned for use in horses due to serious side effects involving the heart, muscles, liver, kidneys and blood chemistry. Ractopamine, another beta-agonist, is also used in the US, even though it’s been banned in 160 other countries due to its potential health hazards. Zilmax is approximately 125 times more potent than Ractopamine.
Also notwithstanding the FDA's declaration of Zilmax safety, Tyson Foods Inc. has voluntarily decided to stop buying Zilmax fed cattle as a result of concerns over related health and behavioral problems. There is something fundamentally wrong, when a profit driven corporation does more to protect consumers than the very administration designed for that purpose.
The conventional food supply in the US, is replete with antibiotics, GMO's, pesticides, hormones and countless other drugs that are potentially dangerous to your health. If you would like to avoid these food pitfalls but are not quite ready to go Vegan or Vegetarian, focus on buying organic whole foods, avoid processed foods and patronize your local family farm instead of the conventional super food stores. Until such time that we have better food label laws and regulatory agencies, consumers are compelled to choose their food wisely.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.