Law and order isn't just a television show, but an integral part of the foundation of our American society. The enforcement of our laws by our brave men and women in Blue, is the prerequisite for order in our society and we can't have one without the other. The failure to maintain and enforce proper law and order in society, essentially leaves us with a scenario not unlike that depicted in William Golding's book "Lord of the Flies." The book title interestingly references another name for the Devil, who is also known as the "Lord of Filth and Dung."
Notwithstanding, today in our country we have numerous politicians who apparently believe in lawlessness and disorder. These politicians believe that we should either turn a blind eye toward certain otherwise illegal behavior or even "decriminalize" such illegal behavior. Further, these politicians would seemingly like to create a new American society where illegal behavior not only goes unpunished but actually gets rewarded. All of this while major American cities are literally turning into cities of filth and dung, as self-created tent cities for the homeless emerge on sidewalks with people relieving themselves of bodily waste in public.
What happened to the America that passed new laws or changed old ones to actually solve problems? Perhaps Congress would be able to do their job, if they weren't repeatedly out of session for an overabundance of extended vacations. One politician who presides over one our cities of filth and dung reportedly did in fact pass a new law, but it was unrelated to the problem at hand. The new law prohibited vaping in public, leaving many to believe that it was O.K. to "poop in public but not puff in public."
When politicians unlawfully take matters into their own hands and direct police to stand down while a conservative gay journalist is assaulted and battered, something is seriously wrong. When Governors force the passage of so called laws that strip citizens of their constitutional rights in order to serve their own political agenda and ego, something is seriously wrong. When people who break our laws are rewarded with benefits that many lawful hard working American citizens do not have, something is seriously wrong! As we celebrate this Independence Day let us hope that we will all join together to restore and preserve law and order, because in the words of John Dickinson, "By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall."
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.