The 4th of July is well known for celebrating our country's independence with barbecues, fireworks and for most people a day off from work. It is also well known for increased traffic on our roadways and elevated alcohol consumption, which unfortunately makes for a deadly combination. In fact, Americans consume more beer on the 4th of July than virtually any other day all year.
This year an estimated 40 million plus people will be taking to the roads and driving 50 miles or more. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and other traffic safety data sources, the 4th of July is among the top days for motor vehicle accidents and has almost four times the likelihood of resultant death.
Although this Independence Day there is an undeniable increased risk of injury and death on the roadways, that doesn't mean we have to stay home and curl up into a ball. Some things to consider in an effort to minimize your risk when driving is to practice diligence in your observation of the roadway and other vehicles and maintain a safe speed at all times. In addition, it is a good idea for anyone who is driving to refrain from alcohol intake and to eliminate any distractions. Lastly, if possible return home at a reasonable hour as roadway risks often augment in the late evening and early morning hours.
We should celebrate our great country's independence and enjoy the holiday, but not make the mistake of thinking that something bad on the roadways "won't happen to me." In other words for the movie buffs reading this, as Shoeless Joe Jackson told Archie Graham in Field of Dreams; "He's not gonna wanna load the bases, so look low and away...But watch out for in your ear!"
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.