As the year comes to an end, many of us participate in the often valuable exercise of reflection and resolution. Among some of the popular New Year's resolutions are exercising, losing weight, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption. While resolutions are easy to make and hard to keep, they are indicative of human nature's desire to improve upon one's self.
It is in this spirit that we hope politicians and legislators alike, will resolve to put the best interest of the people first and foremost in 2013. We could all benefit from a resolution that provides fiscal solvency rather than a fiscal cliff. We could also benefit from new laws focused on helping people overcome privation, rather than regulating the size of the soda they drink.
Perhaps as we look back at all the newsworthy events of 2012, we should all resolve to add respect and gratitude to our lists. Respect for all of mankind, regardless of their race, gender, religion, color or personal preferences. Gratitude for all the blessings we have in our lives, instead of focusing on all the things we do not have.
As we gather with our loved ones to close out the year, may we all learn from the past, truly appreciate the present and never stop striving for a better future. At Paul A. Lauto, PLLC, we wish everyone a happy and healthy 2013 filled with peace, love and joy.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.