New Yorkers are learning the meaning of the adage, "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know" as New York's new Governor Kathy Hochul starts testing the limits of her power. In addition to quickly imposing unconstitutional mandates in the state and freeing numerous criminals from Rikers Island, she has now signed into law a ban on the sale of gas powered vehicles by the year 2035. In doing so, she is following the ill fated California Governor Gavin Newsom who passed similar legislation last year as his state circles the proverbial drain.
This new law has been enacted under the guise of saving the environment, by effectively compelling residents to buy electric cars whether they would choose to on their own or not. But before you rush out and buy an electric car, consider how safe you think it is to expose yourself on a daily basis to the increased EMF's coming from your electric car. Some experts say the EMF exposure in electric cars is up to 20 the times safe limit and that while you may be saving a small sliver of the environment, you will be literally radiating yourself to death.
Unfortunately, essentially all studies conducted to date on this safety issue have been industry funded and therefore tainted to say the least. That is why you would be hard pressed to find anything on the internet to illuminate the lack of safety. Not to mention, the hefty price tag for an electric car versus a gasoline powered car, would take approximately 5-10 years to recoup the cost difference.
The more government usurps our right to choose, the more divided our country becomes. We are headed down a very dangerous path where the result may be a country literally divided in half. A future America with either strictly liberal states or strictly conservative states to choose to live in, is not the America our founding fathers envisioned or wanted. The corruption of our country with approximately 331 million people, is being implemented by a mere several hundred people who work in the world's second oldest profession called politics. Politicians, democrats and republicans alike, prostitute themselves on a daily basis in the name of power and money and we the people are paying the price with our life, liberty and happiness. It is up to the people to vote these corrupt politicians out of office and a good place to start is by demanding across the board term limits and to make every law and rule apply to both the people and politicians alike. If we do not act now to save our country, there may be no country left to save.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.