The NYPD recently reported that NYC murders have increased by 79%, shootings have increased by 64% and burglaries have increased by 34%. Many believe this is due to Bail Reform, understaffing of police, the elimination of the NYC undercover anti-crime unit and the Mayor deciding with city council approval to slash One Billion Dollars or approximately 17% from the NYPD police budget.
In addition to the foregoing, "peaceful protestors" in NYC have now caused One Million Dollars in damage to police vehicles alone. This represents a mere fraction of the total damage as it excludes damage resulting from rioting, theft, arson, loss of business and loss of life, among other things. More recently, unchecked public drug use has increased dramatically as the act of "shooting up" is becoming more and more common on the streets, as is litter such as hypodermic needles and other drug paraphernalia.
The Mayor astoundingly claimed with no supporting evidence, that the excessive budget cut to the NYPD would not impact safety in NYC. This claim is being proved false with each passing day, as NYC becomes the city where crime never sleeps. As the already weakened tourism industry becomes devastated and public safety is in serious question, countless people are being compelled to move out of state. The once safest big city in the country, is arguably turning into the Dark Knight's Gotham City.
Unfortunately the taxpayers will be forced to pay for all of the damages resulting from the rampant crime and unenforced criminal laws, instead of the irresponsible politicians who allow the crime to happen by giving police stand down orders and stripping them of the means necessary to do their job. These are the same politicians of what is an admittedly financially "broke" city and state, who will expect that not only New York taxpayers but the taxpayers of the entire nation pay for their mistakes by demanding a federal bailout.
Too many politicians today in both parties have betrayed their oath to represent all of the people and have departed from logic and reason with reckless abandon. Instead of developing channels of communication so that governing decisions may be made with majority support and input, they are making unilateral life altering decisions in dictatorial fashion that emboldens hatred and division. New York City and State is arguably now on the brink and the only problem is that a bat signal won't save us, because Batman isn't real.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.