As detailed in our October 4, 2019 blog entitled, Catch And Release To Be Mandated In New York State, Cuomo's new Bail Reform is to take effect in January 2020. According to Cuomo, this reform will reportedly release 90% of those arrested and charged, but not yet convicted of a crime, to roam free on the streets of New York State. However, Cuomo can't wait until January and is planning to quietly release almost 1,000 of these accused criminals even earlier, so that the jailbirds can be home in time for Christmas.
In addition to Cuomo releasing almost 1,000 accused criminals in time to walk the streets of New York alongside lawful holiday shoppers, these jailbirds will also receive gifts. Believe it or not, NYC Mayor Deblasio plans to effectively reward criminal behaviour by giving these early release accused criminals free Mets tickets, gift cards and movie passes to encourage them to return to court for their court dates.
Proponents of the Cuomo/Deblasio early release master plan believe that it is cruel to hold accused criminals in jail through the holidays, only to release them after the new Bail Reform goes into effect on on January 1, 2020. Opponents state that the very people elected to office to protect the good people of New York State, are placing law abiding residents in danger by literally rewarding criminal behaviour. That in doing so they are commiting an egregious abuse of power, violation of their oath of office and should either step down or be promptly removed from office.
Law and order is one of the essential foundation blocks of our society. When elected officials dismantle these foundation blocks, it is incumbent upon the people to exercise their right to vote to remove these elected officials from office. Therefore on this upcoming Election Day and every Election Day, it is our duty to exercise the right to vote. We can make a difference one vote at a time.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.