The COVID-19 death toll in New York State is now close to 15,000 people while confirmed cases are approaching 250,000. Our state, country and the world need to combat this highly contagious and deadly virus with every weapon possible, including among others, mediation measures and medication. Although the use of hydroxychloroquine has according to many doctors and recovered patients been life saving, Governor Cuomo issued an Executive Order prohibiting the off label use of the drug for COVID-19 patients. This is notwithstanding that reportedly according to Governor Cuomo, the drug hydroxychloroquine has been "promising" and "effective."
Governor Cuomo accuses other politicians of inappropriately making medical decisions on behalf of the people without being a doctor and therefore not qualified to do so, yet appears to commit the same "political crime" that he professes against. Governor Cuomo prohibited the off label use of hydroxychloroquine under the authority granted to him by a law pushed through the state congress for approval on the eve of the current crisis, that allows him to issue ANY directive during a disaster necessary to cope with the disaster.
Proponents believe that Governor Cuomo is acting in the best interest of New Yorkers by prohibiting the use of an unproven drug. Opponents believe that Governor Cuomo has exceeded his authority and that it defies logic that he would prohibit the use of a potentially life saving drug for a patient dying from COVID-19. Further, that such prohibition and the judgment upon which it was based, was perhaps clouded by known affiliations with pharmaceutical companies. Certainly any pharmaceutical company working on a vaccine for COVID-19 would potentially lose millions if not billions, if the virus could be neutralized by a $20.00 medication.
If a Governor accuses and condemns other politicians for "playing doctor," acting like a "King" and not placing saving lives first and foremost and then does the very same things him or herself, that Governor cannot be free of hypocrisy and blame. Unfortunately even during a world crisis our politicians, both red and blue, are consumed with political partisanship to the detriment of the American people. The difference is that this time, the American people aren't just paying with their wallets but with their lives as well. The time has come for Republicans and Democrats alike to put politics aside, stop waiving their political flags and just do the right thing for the American people. If not now, then when?
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.