In 2022 more than 7,500 American pedestrians were killed by a motor vehicle, representing a more than 75% increase since 2010. In fact the amount of people that have been struck and killed by a motor vehicle in our country, has been steadily rising over the last decade. This is notwithstanding the fact that most vehicles today are equipped with standard modern safety features. So why are pedestrian knockdown motor vehicle accident fatalities increasing?
One reason as to why this statistic is on the rise is due to operator distraction. Driver distractions include, among other things, conversations, texting, eating, grooming, emotional distress and infotainment system adjustments. Another reason for this escalating statistic, is the increase of large and heavy vehicles on the road, such as SUV's and EV's. The laws of physics all but dictate, that larger and heavier vehicles tend to cause more damage and injury when involved in accidents. Additional reasons include lighting conditions, road design and excessive speeding.
But perhaps the most alarming contributing factor, is the increase in intentional pedestrian knockdowns by motorists. As incredulous as it sounds, drivers are intentionally and maliciously striking pedestrians and fleeing the scene for amusement purposes. This type of criminal behavior is in large part a result of a growing and unfathomable failure in our country to prosecute criminals. As long as criminals have no fear of prosecution or jail time, they will continue to push the limits of our failing legal system. Unless we reverse course and start enforcing our laws again as intended, the degradation of our society will be inevitable. Let the pedestrian beware!
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.