by Long Island Attorney Paul A. Lauto, Esq.
This article is that of opinion only and is not intended to show favor or disfavor to any particular political party or candidate. To the contrary, it is an expression of disappointment with the perceived current degradation of American politics.
The most preeminent office in American politics is that of the President of the United States. The honor of holding this office has belonged to a select few, such as Washington, Lincoln and Kennedy. It is considered by many to be the most prestigious and powerful position in the world. Unfortunately based on the current electoral race for President, we are witnessing the degradation of this great office and American politics as a whole.
American politics has never been known to be "clean as a whistle," but our current race for President seems to have turned the corner on integrity. On the Democrat side we have a self-declared socialist and a former First Lady currently under FBI investigation. One Republican candidate is a virtual absentee Florida Senator who out of frustration and desperation has taken to unseemly verbal mud slinging. A second Republican is a Texas Senator who proclaims to be honest and trustworthy while circulating false photographs and videos of his opponents and is accused of being willing to say or do anything to win. A third Republican is a purported self-made billionaire who claims to be the champion of the poor and middle class and engages in debased personal attacks anytime someone doesn't agree with him. The final Republican candidate is a Governor who fits the answer to the old standardized test question as to which one doesn't belong in this group. All of these candidates are competing to see who will replace a President who frequently usurps legislative power, by resorting to Executive Orders anytime he doesn't get his way with Congress.
Political competition in our country has been reduced to name calling, borderline defamation and innuendo regarding the alleged size of a man's hands. Parents with small children are often advised to take special care as to what they say or do in front of their children, in that young minds absorb what they observe like a sponge and often emulate the very behavior they witness. This is a lesson our politicians need to re-visit, in that the world is watching them closely in this election year. The impression our politicians make upon the world could potentially have far reaching effects. Accordingly, party leaders and the media need to compel our politicians to perform and behave in a way commensurate with the office they hold and/or seek. If the politicians do not perform and behave in requisite fashion, it is incumbent upon the people to vote them out of office and/or prevent them from being elected in the first place.
The fact is we have far too many substantial domestic and international problems and issues to contend with, to have our politicians waste time and inordinate amounts of money behaving like unsupervised children. The American people demand more and deserve far better. So this year as we exercise our right to vote and elect our next President, remember to first gather as much information as possible and then to choose wisely, as the fate of our country and perhaps the world depends upon it.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.