by Long Island Attorney Paul A. Lauto, Esq.
Valentine's Day is known to be the day that couples celebrate their love for each other. As February 14th approaches, commercials and advertisements increase in an effort to compel couples to buy or do something special for their significant other. Many people commonly show their love and appreciation with the purchase of flowers and/or candy, by having a romantic dinner or perhaps by way of a thoughtfully selected card. Even Hollywood plans the release of romance related movies for the month of February, in their relentless effort to increase revenue. But is Valentine's Day really all about the love and romance that it is cracked up to be?
Some people would say that it is, while for many others Valentine's Day is the complete opposite of love and romance. Statistics show that in reality there is upwards of a 40% spike in divorce seekers around Valentine's Day every year. February has become known among some divorce attorneys as the official beginning of "Divorce Season." So why is Valentine's Day such an unloving and romance free time of year for so many couples?
In truth those seeking divorce in the month of February, were likely unhappy long before Cupid's arrival. In general the divorce rate in our country is at or about 50%, with the rate increasing with each subsequent marriage. In fact in the State of New York obtaining a divorce was made easier in 2010, with a change in the law that added no fault divorce as an option. Noteworthy is that people are less likely to seek divorce at the end of a year, in an effort to avoid ruining the holidays for their family. Consequently they often wait until after the holidays are finished and tensions rise from the arrival of all the holiday bills. Add some undue forced pressure to be romantic into the mix and you have a potent formula for divorce.
May your St. Valentine's day be filled with love, respect and appreciation.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.