Imagine if there was a way in which one could choose, in the event of their own demise, how to distribute their money and assets, who would raise their minor children and who would be in control of all funds to responsibly care for them. Further, imagine in the event of incapacitation being able to determine who will manage your finances and affairs, who will make medical decisions on your behalf and what type of medical treatment you will and will not receive. Where there's a Will, there's a way.
All of the above may possibly be achieved by having a simple Will package that includes a Last Will and Testament, Power of Attorney, Living Will and a Health Care Proxy. In that both the New York State and Federal estate tax exemption levels now exceed Five Million Dollars, a large percentage of relatively healthy people may be able to satisfy their estate planning needs with a simple Will package. For more information please see our prior blog on the subject matter entitled, Should I Have A Will.
If you have any questions or would like more information on how to take control over your affairs with our cost effective simple Will package, please call our office and mention this blog.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.
(631) 928-1430