One of the many reasons for the high cost of healthcare in the U.S., is the widespread problem with Medicare fraud. Case and point is the recent sweep in which almost 91 people including doctors, nurses and other medical professionals, were criminally charged with fraud. The government raid uncovered fraud in the amount of $430 million in seven cities across the country, including Brooklyn, NY.
Medicare is a $590 billion dollar program that serves almost 50 million people, and is a siren for fraud. The three year long investigation is part of the Obama Administration's efforts to find savings in healthcare, which was a main focus of the first presidential debate. Although this was one of the biggest fraud busts in years, it barely makes a dent in the estimated $80 billion in Medicare fraud every year.
Until such time that healthcare fraud can be brought under control, the high cost of healthcare will likely remain out of reach. There once was a time when professionals in this country championed values such as ethics and pride in service. Americans now have a need to re-examine such values, as we come to the realization that we just may be our own worst enemy.
Long Island Lawyer
Paul A. Lauto, Esq.